Restaurant Toi et Moi is located in the heart of Ghent. Today Toi et Moi is a restaurant with “down to earth” gastronomical delight.
Here you will find dishes with an excellent price/quality ratio and a personal touch to it all. Wendy is your host and takes care of the service with great enthusiasm, while Sven offers you his culinairy creations where the ingredients play a leading part. The menu is rather limited but varies according to the seasons. For those who prefer some more extensive, there is also a delicious month menu. All dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients at the time whereby an excellent price-quality is guaranteed.

Closed on wednesday
Daily open from 18h until 22h
Sunday from 12h until 14h and from 18h until 22h
Address: Sint-Michielsstraat 31
9000 Gent
T: +32 9 225 86 33!/toietmoi